
Why Business Need Penetration Testing in Malaysia?

In order to reach a maximum number of prospects, many of the business Malaysia are constantly trying to find a way to expand the business by going into the online platform.

From the online engagement with its customer, sharing and gathering of personal information online to making payment online, you could do it easily nowadays

 cybersecurity malaysia

Indeed, going online means more flexibility and opportunity to business.

However, with the increasing of the cyber-crime case in Malaysia, going online business now is not as easy as it seems. Check out LGMS to find out more.

So, as one of the business owner, how can you curb these obstacles and minimise the risk for your business?

What is Penetration Testing?

From the COX certification training to web application test, penetration testing could be one of the effective business solutions to all business corporation.

If you are running the business online or having a website, it is necessary for you to know what’s all about the penetration testing is.

Let’s break it down in a simple term, a penetration test is a part of computer forensic that include simulation test in ethically hacking your own app, website or wireless network connection.

 it security malaysia

The objective of the test is to check and figure out for any vulnerabilities that are easily exposed for the ill-intention hacker to break-in.

Typically, the penetration test is conducted by the top Pen Test companies in Malaysia to help the business organization keep in check of their operating system.

The penetration testing company will provide the professional authorised hacker to diagnose, analyse and provide any recommendations to secure your system.

In other words, it is one of the ways to prevent hackers from illegally using your mobile or web application for any fraudulent purposes or activities.

Besides, many of the Pentest company in Malaysia have their own strict standards in setting the protocols to implement “controlled hacking”.

This is similar to the CASK training course, where these protocols will provide a check and balance of your system to measure the damage extent and minimise it.

The Penetration Test Services

There are numerous of services are included in the penetration test services and most are related to the forensic services aspects.

The Pentest company also provide computer forensic training that will help your IT personnel to update and secure the security system. Click here to find out more.

1. PCI DSS Compliance

For your information PCI DSS compliance is a must for every business that is using the online transaction.

Moreover, most of the PCI DSS companies in Malaysia are required to comply with the PCI DSS guides in order to operate the business.

Any online payment made in a system that is not compliant to the set standards definitely is prone to the cyber-attack.

Thus, this is why you need penetration test services to ensure security that all your app and website could run well.

2. Digital Forensic Malaysia

Digital forensic Malaysia is a part of the computer forensic that enable you to recreate certain steps that were made to infiltrate your system.

Most of the time, digital forensic services are needed by companies where the system is already being compromised or sabotaged.

 forensic malaysia

3. Cyber Security Training

When you are running the e-commerce store or doing freelance app developer, having the security training Malaysia could come in handy in ensuring your system is well secured.

The training also will not only help you to reduce the risk from being attacked by the hacker but also help you to gain better insight on cyber security as well.

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